Sunday, February 26, 2017

XJ Corps Helium Deck / Working Studio

Dear Trump Administration,

This is John Edward Randall again.

I would like to explain my design plans for an innovative helium Deck (German for, "ceiling") that is copyrighted by myself, and will need some funding to cast it afloat, so to speak.

Here are the specifications:

0.) The deck functions as an outpost and studio much like an undercover surveillance van ('the white one around the corner').

1.) The walls of the studio part of the deck may be transparent and could have a mirror surface on the outside (referred to as a, " two way mirror").

2.) A worker can see through the floor of the deck. The deck may exist at least 20 to 40 feet above the ground. A camera 'hollow' in the floor will hold a 360 degree camera; with a door latch, it may be taken out as if it were in a safe.

3.) The deck will be capable of holding at least 400 lbs to 1200 lbs with a floor area starting at 18 feet by 6 feet.

4.) If the deck exists in a rural area, it may act as an observational studio for nature or the natural habitat of wildlife animals. If the deck exists near an urban area, then it may act as a tourist attraction.

5.) Miniature cameras will be placed around the deck, acting as facilitators to capture, record, or interact with the movement underneath it.

6.) Additional technologies may be employed, such as a speaker system, a holographic light display, a 'touch screen' interface, or other XJ Corps realization.

7.) Initially, the deck does not have anything holding it up except for helium. The cost of helium is around or more or less than $0.35 USD per cubic foot. The volume of the helium container may exceed 3200 cubic feet per worker allowed on the deck at one time. The helium container starts at about 29 feet long by 15 feet wide by 15 feet tall. Assuming these are the starting dimensions, an estimated $2,283.75 USD should be initially yielded. This volume of helium would hold 407 lbs, or one worker and his utilities.

I think you will agree that it is innovations like this, from American small businesses and entrepreneurs that motivate America to be great... AGAIN.

Consequently, my proprietorship will have its legacy in US history.

Thank you for listening!

Photo courtesy of John Randall.

XJ Randall
John Edward Randall
CEO, XJ Corps


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