Monday, May 22, 2017

John Randall's A Brief of Perception

John Randall's A Brief of Perception
Copyright 2017 John Edward Randall, XJ Corps
Monday 22nd May 2017 - 06:30 ET

by John Edward Randall
CEO, XJ Corps

An additional video explanation from John Randall is found here.


- There must be a vacuum for energy or movement to exist.
- Depending on how the vacuum was made, there may be a sensual discharge.
- Perception is limitless.
- This theory can be applied to other media or ideologies.

The Vacuum of Time.

- "There is no time. Only the perception of time."
- Perception is distance.
- In a holographic setup, perception is limitless, although time is moot.
- Does perception correlate to the physical aspects of translation?
- What are the metaphysical cross equivalents to correlate time, perception, and distance...?

Equation For Time.

- Time, Distance, and Perception are correlated.
- If one is not aware of distance, there is no time between two points.
- If one is not aware of time, one might sense both points at the same time, as well as interact with both points at the same time.
- If distance is finite, it does not necessarily mean Perception is finite.

Size and Perception.

- Size of something usually denotes how much time or distance it takes to get there.
- Getting there is only how big the destination is.
- If the size is big, you are near. If the size is small, you are far.
- One's sensual exchanged are not necessarily confined to an unchangeable physical form.
- Using the right tools may aid in contacting a far away place without moving a distance.

Bugs and Feelings.

-This leads us to think about what we perceive as small, and if it is in fact far away, even though we deem it to be right on our skin.
- The dimension is a distance.
- "As above, so below."
- Feelings may be independent of distance.
- So then, is it the perception that gives us a cold....?

Final Implications.

- Teleportation may be a conjunction or mesh of any of these properties or lack of any of these properties.
- Perception should have at least one physical counterpart or equivalent.
- using the physical perception or a systemic equation rooted in the discussion should allow one to easily scale or manipulate the depths of awareness, so to speak.

As per the XJ Corps | User Contract, the following information is current and accurate for communication with the author. Questions, comments, or mail should be addressed to:

John Edward Randall
XJ Corps
814 N 14th Street 113
Lafayette, IN 47904


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