Monday, May 22, 2017

JOHN RANDALL - "JR's Brief Response": DARPA-SN-17-22

Title: "JR's Brief Response"
Sub-title: DARPA-SN-17-22
Category: Proprietary
Contact Name: John Edward Randall
Organization: XJ Corps

Copyright © 2017 John Edward Randall, XJ Corps
Monday 22nd May 2017 - 08:13 ET

View an additional video explanation here.

0.) Introduction: The Alchemist Rising.

What is, what is, but what one sees...?

In this response, chemical synthesis is a vision of practicality. Here, John Randall discloses a complex of derivative relations to that cause. It is briefly revealed the alternative and veiled true nature of "chemical synthesis", the resolution of its application, and ultimately a product to recognize chemicals and reactions expediently while extracting data from an enclosed environment.

1.) A Succinct Section.

In traditional science or chemistry, it is accepted notion that a solid, or any object that may be sensed, is composed of a conglomeration of smaller entities. These may be deemed as particles and expressed with absolute properties within a periodical table of elements. Seemingly, this graph would be helpful as a gesture of artistic nature, however to an alchemist like myself, it is hardly a practical tool.

In the paradigm I speak of, that is a stem from The Master Idea, it is also correct to explain the phenomenon in my own refreshing and inspiring discourse. From handmade notes drawn earlier, a collection of seven to eight pages illustrates what is called the "complex". The innovative design is spurred from DARPA-SN-17-22, a "Request for Information". As usual, the problem was stated, and it was solved from expert experience in analyzation. Here are the technical and valid points as follows:

2.) The Process of Chemical Synthesis.

In order to determine chemical reactions within synthesis expediently, there must be an initial solution to the process of Synthesis. It can be started going from an end result, such as a Cloning Machine, and cognitively reverse-engineering the process of generation to its separate or minute details.

In John Randall's XJ Corps cloning apparatus, it was proposed to have a round table of source materials to feed a cloned objects generation within a vacuum.

The original object of devotion would have to be scanned via traditional electromagnetic waves to reflect the properties and discern the casual elements of design. This would be done in a scanner-like and three dimensional setup going through some type of spectrum that recognizes the most base and abundant source materials. The data would be traversed into the other side, printing the new object, chunk by chunk, in a new space.

But there are other ways to go about cloning and this leads one to conclude some interesting artifacts, so to speak.

3.) The Quantum Clone.

Previously, light theory, based on The One Light Theory, allows for an exact copy of an object to be created based on holographic properties. This makes sense because light is easily duplicated. If one speaks in terms of Quantum Broadcasting, it is moreover a realization that the prime object is in fact the exact same object as the duplicate, and it is not the object that is being duplicated, but it is the space or time it exists in at one time.

Suffice to say, if a man held two objects up, and one was the quantum clone of the first, it is verily the same object going through a time travel in order to return to the same space. Such was conceived as the solution to, "a FREE laptop", until the very same laptop crashed, leaving the "stalker persona" in the dust (the same could be said of cloned dollar bills ripped in half).

4.) "Time is poison."

And one might disagree. It is not time that is the poison, it is "the air around you." Radio waves are not the chemicals that make one fall asleep, they are the catalyst to that. However, whether there are chemicals or not is dependent of your ability to feel them. Light is just a fancy way of saying you can see.

The equivalents to heat end up penetrating other senses. The lack of senses allows us to equate the lack of intelligence however only for yourself. Just because you can't see a stamp on the envelope, doesn't mean the postal worker can't see it.

Synthesis is then not a matter of what is actually there, but what is perceived to be there, leaving the senses, or "tools", the determining factor of an exchange in actions. Consequently, knowing that it cannot be felt, any pre-existing gnosis or observation of a compound is hypothetical. You don't see light, you see the representation of heat or gravity based on your light sensor. The sensor is light, not the objects you see.

5.) Substance K.

Gravity is an important component of reality.

If each sensor is what it feels, and the disparity of sense is based on heat, then it is not sight, not touch, not taste or smell that one feels but those are the sensors of their own accord representing the different ways to traverse through and around objects of gravity (or heat for that matter). In one's light sensor, higher gravity areas are seemingly brighter, although there is a trade-off for motion through space via volume or mass.

"You don't see light, you see gravity."

The light is your sensor, but gravity depicts what the light looks like. If every sensor is not what one senses, then there is something else there to compose the differentiation. That difference, is what is called, "Substance K", a word for the hidden code of reality.

The problem relates to the schema of one's understanding. There is question as to whether things we can't feel can affect us. Can a house be burnt down if we can't see the fire burning it?

6.) The Components of Substance K.

Before getting into the recognition of factors of synthesis, we can get into the factors of the substance that allows for objects to be synthesized. K is the culmination and interacting of an equation of gravity, heat or motion, time, and space.

In some proposed realities, an anti-gravity object is the result of the manipulation of one of these properties of K. In another dimension, something as simple as a pencil may hold up thousands of pounds because we can't see it. Adversely, a metal baseball bat in contact with an invisible entity may kill it on contact. This is important because it shows us that in order to expedite reaction time it is
as simple as knowing which factor from K needs to be tinkered with.

7.) The Method of Recognition.

As far as 'sensual' is concerned, I have invented an innovative model based on the theory in this response. It is an emulation of the geology of planet Earth, as a sphere.

There are four layers of VISION in this paradigm, going from the top surface to the core. The top surface, emulating the crust of Earth's core, is the less deviant of the sensory devices, respective to touch or sound. The second layer, emulating the mantel of Earth, is more deviant than the top, and pertains to smell or taste. The next layer down, emulates the sub core of Earth. It is more deviant than the other two layers and represents sight. And the last layer emulates Earth's core and represents the grand and moving force of our existence that may also be aligned with our subconscious or a higher power.

Using this paradigm we may build a typical sensory 'evoker' for the experience of 'data'. XJ Corps invented a spontaneous and random access Braille writer that is the similar to a Kindle for blind people. This can also be used for people with sight and can vary on 'presentational' output, depending on the aesthetics invested in. The other senses can be evoked from other consoles including apparatuses that may help in emulating materialization by interacting with brainwaves or thought waves at a high frequency.

A graphical neural network could help identify abstract reactions of heat, with a touch screen. XJ Corps also proposed a real live vision camera or space viewer that uses nodes in time or space to view reactions instead of a digital and pixelized screen.

8.) The End Result.

Since substance K is related to gravity, the conditions for a new chemical compound to be synthesized must rely on some type of gravity chamber that has the ability to direct the flow or clumping of gravity. Having an additional and more complex understanding of K and its properties would greatly aid the synthesis process and reactions, or lack thereof. In most cases, a scale serves as a meter of overall effects or reactions. So it would be as simple as setting up a 3D gravity scale pertaining to K. There is one awesome thing to remember. In order for it to exist, it is not necessarily the sight of a new compound that makes it synthesized as much as the ability to feel its gravity in at least one sense.


"GNOSIS", by John Edward Randall, February 2017.

As per the XJ Corps | User Contract, the following information is current and accurate for communication with the author. Questions, comments, or mail should be addressed to:

John Edward Randall
XJ Corps
814 N 14th Street 113
Lafayette, IN 47904


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